AN-NIZAM Jurnal Hukum dan Kemasyarakatan

Jurnal AN-NIZHAM diterbitkan oleh Fakultas SyariahIAIN Ternate. Dengan ISSN cetak 1858-2222 dan elektronik ISSN/ e-ISSN 2599-2775

This Journal specializes in studying the theory and practice of various topics are islamic family law, islamic criminal law, islamic constitutional law, islamic private law, sharia economic law, human rights law, customary law, environmental law, in the framework of Indonesian legal studies and global context. intended to express original researches and current issues. This journal welcomes the contributions of scholars from related fields warmly that consider the following general topics.

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Vol 18, No 1 (2024): EDISI JUNI 2024

Table of Contents


Yusran Suaib, Marwa Marwa, Muhrim Djakat, Fatum Abubakar, Muhammad Fadhly
Nurhalisa Is Tjan, Rahmat Hi. Abdullah, Fauzan Hanafi, Abdul Balgis Hi. Talib